Introductory Farm Succession Planning Appointment Documents

Congratulations on taking the first step in your Farm Succession Planning journey

The below documents are a mix of general information documents and forms to help aid in helping you to work through your farm succession planning needs.

Whilst we recommend you to review these documents prior to our upcoming meeting, it is not a necessity as we will discuss many of these aspects during our intial meeting anyway.

With respect to the the Authority to Access forms, should various parties not be in attendance, these forms can be printed and signed and brought along to your initial meeting.

Should you have any questions, please do not hsitate to contact our office at 03 5443 7220.


Financial Services Guide & Adviser Profile

(General Information)

The Financial Services Guide (FSG) provides you with an overview to the Financial Planning Process and other important information about our Licencee (Synchron) and your Adviser - Janine.

Janine McLean - Adviser Profile

Authority to Access Forms

(Forms for signing)

Authority to Access Forms enable our office to gain access to your investment and/or superannuation assets and Insurance policies in order to undertake research and analysis on existing products.

If you have time, please print and complete these forms and bring signed to your initial meeting.

Alternatively, copies will be available for signing at our initial meeting.

  • Investment & Superannuation

  • Insurance

Welcome Pack

(General Information)

Our Welcome Pack provides you with a quick overview of Agri Plus, our advice process and documents to bring to your inital meeting.

Succession Planning - Questions to Consider


Have you considered the various aspects of your needs/wishes with respect to succession planning? This worksheet asks some simple questions to enable you to start thinking about:

  • Retirement

  • Estate Planning

  • Farm Transition

  • Other impacts & influences

Securely upload documents to Agri Plus Financial Group

You can now securely upload personal and confidential documents direct to Agri Plus without the need to send via email. Please click on the image below to access our upload portal.

Family Farm Succession Planning - What to Expect


This flyer provides an overview of what to expect during the family farm succession planning process and an indication of initial costs.

Collaborative Succession Planning


An overview of the importance of collaboration when it comes to your succession planning needs.